3 and 4 April Mendixworld is happening in the Cruise Terminal in Rotterdam. An event with 18 sponsors and over 1500 registrations. Over 50 speakers will come, 37 track sessions from customers, the Research and Development team, Expert Services and more. There is a lot to do for everyone. I will give you a short update of what is happened, but most of all, what will be released?
First start: Derek Roos CEO of Mendix. His quote for his keynote: every company is becoming a software company. Technology can disrupt a market and for you as company you need to be innovative and differential. Implementing new ideas and products for your customers.
But more important for you: the new release. A big milestone in the Mendix products for developers, partners and end-users: "Appcloud"! Build, deploy and share apps. Everyone has ideas for new apps, workflows or business automation, but getting it to work and share it with your collegaes. Now it is possible with The Appcloud. How? It has three main features: launchpad, sandboxes and marketplace.
One entry point for all your apps and open them with single sign-on service. Have an overview and bookmarks with the apps that you have within your company and your own creations. Just open and your logged in. But it goes further, start workflows, share documents and collaborate with your collegaes. Above all start your own project with the next feature: sandbox.
Each project will have his own sandbox cloud node. Create a project of your idea and deploy it in the Mendix cloud. Your application is direct available from your launchpad and share and build it with your collegaes. So you can test your app direct in a cloud environment. Because it is in your launchpad it will have single sign-on for all the users. So can you have a free cloud node, yes, with limitations. The app is limited to 10 users and won't be active all the time. After 1 hour inactivity the cloud node will go to sleep, but it will go live in 40 seconds after you access the URL. All your data will be saved and accessible for your users. But sometimes you don't have an idea to implement and there is a great feature for you!
A new upgraded App store that will have more content and completely workable project that can de downloaded. You can open a project within the App Store and deploy it in a sandbox with just three mouse clicks. The project will be downloaded and deployed in a teamserver so you can invite people to build the app and start implementing ideas. Beside downloading a project you van view the project in a running cloud environment.
This is Appcloud a big step in bringing ideas to apps. All features will go live next April the 10th. So this is the first day of Mendix world.